Give Me Your Hand
Give me your hand, and I will follow
wherever you would have me go.
Give me your sign, and I will go quickly
for your sweet fellowship to know.
As night follows day, as rainbow follows rain,
your love to me is sweet as nectar.
And I to you shall love the same.
Give me your path, and I shall not falter
nor linger when I hear your call.
Give me your love, and give it me always,
and I shall ever love you more.
As night follows day, as rainbow follows rain,
your love to me is sweet as nectar.
And I to you shall love the same.
Such a beautiful song.
30 August 2008
24 August 2008
Shucks, I'm hooked on blogthings!
Quite true. I like this quiz!
This one makes me sound like a scaredy-cat. Can you imagine telling people "I am chicken"?!
What Your Bed Says About You |
Outward appearances are very important to you. You do your best to look good and have an attractive home. You are an organized and disciplined person. You do the right thing because you want to, not because people expect you to. You are not very high maintenance in general, but you are high maintenance about a few things. In relationships, you tend to kick back and let the other person be in charge. You tend to be a dreamy, head in the clouds type of person. You think in terms of possibilities. You are a traveler. You are comfortable anywhere, and you rarely feel homesick. |
Quite true. I like this quiz!
What Your Workspace Says About You |
You are not organized in the least. Everything in your life pretty much survives of chaos. You are hardworking and driven. You have an excellent work ethic. You enjoy your job and don't feel guilty about how much time you spend working. You have a good balance between work and your personal life. You are still trying to figure out your ideal career. You could quit your current job on any given day. At work, you are an introvert. You don't like people coming around your work space. |
You Will Be a Modern Bride! |
While you aren't ready to throw away all wedding traditions, you want a wedding with a twist You're more inspired by celebrity weddings on E! than from bridal magazines Whether this means getting married on the beach barefoot or a mariachi band for the reception... Your wedding will be a blend of old and new - white dress cocktail, personalized vows, whatever suits you!!! |
You Are a Classic New York Cheesecake |
Simple and sweet, you are a smooth operator. You can get along with anyone ... though after a bit of time, you're too much to handle! |
Your Slogan Should Be |
Jinghui. Stronger than Pain. |
You Are a Grilled Cheese Sandwich |
You are a traditional person with very simple tastes. In your opinion, the best things in life are free, easy, and fun. You totally go with the flow. And you enjoy every minute of it! Your best friend: The Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich Your mortal enemy: The Ham Sandwich |
You Are Chicken |
Bah! You're hardly meat. But you are quite popular, and people aspire to taste like you. You're probably quite skinny and free of vices. Except letting people eat your eggs. |
This one makes me sound like a scaredy-cat. Can you imagine telling people "I am chicken"?!
What Your Taste in Chocolate Says About You |
You are sweet, mellow, and easily satisfied. You don't like anything too intense and dramatic. Deep down, you're a kid at heart... and you're nostalgic for the past. You are honest and straight forward. You have a distinct personality, and you make your opinions known. And while people like that you keep it real, you can come off as judgmental. You love the feeling of accomplishment. You enjoy doing what's important. You feel lost when you have to do frivolous tasks or hang out with shallow people. |
You Are Artemis! |
Brave, and a natural born leader. You're willing to fight for what you believe in... And willing to make tough decisions. Don't forget - the people around you have ideas too! |
You Are a Sprinkled Donut |
Flamboyant and flashy, you're easily distracted by shiny things. You're definitely a snazzy number, and you usually catch everyone's eye in the room. And you've got the goods to back it up your colorful image. (Though too much of you gives people a stomach ache!) |
You Are Fruit Loops |
You're very fun loving and easily bored. You need everything in your life to be over the top. You are definitely attracted to shiny and colorful objects. If kids love something, you tend to love it as well. You a very short attention span and are easily distracted. You are likely to eat something very random for breakfast... or forget to eat it at all. |
You Are Yogurt |
Modern and streamlined, you prefer a breakfast that's quick and healthy. You live a fast paced life, and you get breakfast only when you're lucky. And while you are strapped for time, you are still a hardcore foodie. You often eat the best that your money can buy. You figure you're worth it. |
Yikes, yikes. Back to books!
20 August 2008
I was supposed to be studying econs. In fact, I have my econs textbook in front of me, but I just can't help myself, so here are the latest interesting quizzes I've found.
I had no classes today, which is something to be very happy about ('cause it's probably going to be my last free day for this semester). Anyway, I managed to compile a list of theory dos-and-do-nots, organize my current notes, and practise the piano. Not very productive, but it beats spending 12 hours in school.
I was supposed to start on my stats tutorial and revise econs, though. Too much inertia, and it's honestly very difficult to study with a one-year-old kid who wants to play with you all the time. Not her fault, but still.
Okay, okay. I'm going back to my books.
You Are Courier New |
You don't eschew modernity, but you do have a deep reverence for the past. You are very literate. It's likely you enjoy writing and reading. Some people may feel you're a bit cold, but you just have high standards for who you hang out with. |
You Are Black Tea |
You have a bold personality. You're not afraid of simply being yourself. You have the courage to speak the truth. You are fearless in your actions. You come off as a bit intimidating and unapproachable. Only confident people are attracted to you. You don't try to scare off anyone. You're just an intense person! |
What Your Ideal Wedding Dress Says About You |
Your Personal Style: Classic and elegant. You prefer to make a statement with a few quality pieces. Your Ideal Wedding: Traditional and formal, but not tacky. You think the most beautiful weddings are understated. Your Philosophy on Marriage: It's a serious commitment, and the couple entering it should be ready to work for their relationship. Your Perfect Marriage: Is calm, stable, deep, and meaningful. |
You Are the Philosopher |
You love thinking things over and developing theories. Learning is very important to you, and you pursue knowledge relentlessly. You love to talk about the things you know, often in more detail than people would like to hear. And you know a lot! You're always taking on new subjects, interests, and hobbies. You are at your best when you are left alone to ponder your newest ideas and experiments. You tend to withdraw from environments that are loud, contentious, or passionate. |
People Envy Your Compassion |
You have a kind heart and an unusual empathy for all living creatures. You tend to absorb others' happiness and pain. People envy your compassion, and more importantly, the connections it helps you build. And compassionate as you are, you feel for them. |
You See the World Through Blue Colored Glasses |
You live your life with tranquility. You have faith that things will work themselves out with time. You judge all your interactions through the lens of hope. You try to get all the facts before forming your opinion. You face challenges with wisdom. You know that all bad things pass, and you have the confidence to see problems through. You see love as the utmost expression of trust. Your relationships tend to be peaceful and stable. At your worst, you can be cool, melancholy, and detached. You sometimes have to step back from emotionally charged situations. You are at your happiest when you are able to reflect and relax. |
Your Heart is Feeling Indifference |
Your heart is pretty much on hiatus right now. You're not particularly interested in love, and you're cultivating a sort of romantic apathy. Whether you've been burned badly or you're just burned out, your heart is cold to passion. Deep down, your heart is susceptible to: A bit of cold heartedness Your current outlook on love: Detached and stoic - you try to analyze love from a logical perspective Your love life will improve if you: Open up a little. Stepping back can help you find peace with your emotions, but it can also make you repress them. Watch out for: Too much cynicism. Indifference can lead you down a dark path. |
Your Style is Sassy |
Occasionally you'll take a fashion risk, and it will pay off You're up for flashing an inch or two of skin But your general rule is to leave most of your bod to the imagination |
You Are 58% Independent |
You've got your own cool thing going on, though you sometimes still care too much about what other's think. |
You Have Many Alpha Tendencies |
You're not a total alpha female, but you certainly know how to - and like to - get your way. You're forceful without being intimidating. You're confident without being vain. A perfect mix. |
I had no classes today, which is something to be very happy about ('cause it's probably going to be my last free day for this semester). Anyway, I managed to compile a list of theory dos-and-do-nots, organize my current notes, and practise the piano. Not very productive, but it beats spending 12 hours in school.
I was supposed to start on my stats tutorial and revise econs, though. Too much inertia, and it's honestly very difficult to study with a one-year-old kid who wants to play with you all the time. Not her fault, but still.
Okay, okay. I'm going back to my books.
19 August 2008
I didn't manage to get any free days. In fact, on certain days I have to go to school for just one hour of tutorial.
Oh well. I can always mug in school. That's the first step to becoming a hardcore mugger, isn't it. Hahah.
It's week 2 of school, and I'm still having fun so far. My Mondays are rather killer; 4 hours of lecture, 4 hours' break, another 4 hours of lecture. I start at 0800h and end at 2000h. Not very fun, I can tell you, but at least the company isn't bad. That makes it somewhat bearable.
I'm in a listing mood suddenly, so here goes.
Top Ten Reasons to Love University Life
10. No mandatory uniform. The only compulsory 'uniform' I've heard of so far is the lab coat, goggles, covered shoes and long pants when there's lab.
9. Freedom. Lots and lots and lots of it. It's fun to be so hands-on about my own education, but at the same time there's a lot of hassle too.
8. Getting to know new people.
7. Exploring the school by taking the shuttle bus around (conveniently 'forgetting' to alight at the correct stop).
6. Doing crazy things like the algorithm march anywhere, anytime.
5. Trying out new things, like economics.
4. Field trips! (One excellent reason to take the biodiversity module.)
3. Not slacking around at home and wasting my time.
2. Having all kinds of shops/restaurants/residences/halls in school. It's like a mini-town.
1. Not having to act like a sane soul 'cause I'm not the oldest around anymore.
It's very liberating not to have to be the voice of reason. All the guys are at least two years older than the girls, and it's like gaining a whole bunch of weird elder brothers with drastically different personalities, all at once. The only thing I can't stand about them is how they keep telling me how XXX girl is so hot/cute, 'cause I'm not interested.
New friends are good and dandy, but old friends are the ones who've stuck with you through thick and thin and so deserve even more attention.
If all goes well, Pearl and I are going to crash Germ's lecture next Tuesday. Attending a lecture sure isn't a movie marathon/board games session/kboxing, but any time we can meet up is still better than nothing.
Time to get back to my literature lecture powerpoint slides. One thing I've noticed is that science/math lecturers are organized but they aren't good at using the mikes or their voices, and vice versa for the humanities subjects' lecturers.
I so so so so so need to mug.
Oh well. I can always mug in school. That's the first step to becoming a hardcore mugger, isn't it. Hahah.
It's week 2 of school, and I'm still having fun so far. My Mondays are rather killer; 4 hours of lecture, 4 hours' break, another 4 hours of lecture. I start at 0800h and end at 2000h. Not very fun, I can tell you, but at least the company isn't bad. That makes it somewhat bearable.
I'm in a listing mood suddenly, so here goes.
Top Ten Reasons to Love University Life
10. No mandatory uniform. The only compulsory 'uniform' I've heard of so far is the lab coat, goggles, covered shoes and long pants when there's lab.
9. Freedom. Lots and lots and lots of it. It's fun to be so hands-on about my own education, but at the same time there's a lot of hassle too.
8. Getting to know new people.
7. Exploring the school by taking the shuttle bus around (conveniently 'forgetting' to alight at the correct stop).
6. Doing crazy things like the algorithm march anywhere, anytime.
5. Trying out new things, like economics.
4. Field trips! (One excellent reason to take the biodiversity module.)
3. Not slacking around at home and wasting my time.
2. Having all kinds of shops/restaurants/residences/halls in school. It's like a mini-town.
1. Not having to act like a sane soul 'cause I'm not the oldest around anymore.
It's very liberating not to have to be the voice of reason. All the guys are at least two years older than the girls, and it's like gaining a whole bunch of weird elder brothers with drastically different personalities, all at once. The only thing I can't stand about them is how they keep telling me how XXX girl is so hot/cute, 'cause I'm not interested.
New friends are good and dandy, but old friends are the ones who've stuck with you through thick and thin and so deserve even more attention.
If all goes well, Pearl and I are going to crash Germ's lecture next Tuesday. Attending a lecture sure isn't a movie marathon/board games session/kboxing, but any time we can meet up is still better than nothing.
Time to get back to my literature lecture powerpoint slides. One thing I've noticed is that science/math lecturers are organized but they aren't good at using the mikes or their voices, and vice versa for the humanities subjects' lecturers.
I so so so so so need to mug.
15 August 2008
Out of utter boredom and complete unwillingness to get on with my theory homework, here I am again! School has been exciting so far; I like the freedom and having to take charge of my own learning. Not that I'm succeeding in my resolution to be a mugger. Maybe I will become one after I get all my textbooks, hahah.
I know I just said that I like being responsible for my stuff, but at the same time I kind of miss how everything is readied for us like in secondary school or JC. There weren't so many decisions to make then. You choose your subjects, and the timetabling committee takes care of the rest. No hard choices like which module to choose, how many points to use to bid for it, which lecture/tutorial session to go for, the list goes on.
My classes have been okay so far, I guess. Early mornings (i.e. lecture at 0800h) aren't much of a problem, though I admit I dozed off for a minute during Organic Chemistry. (Sidetrack: many thanks to Weekeat who woke me up, hahah.) I have more of a problem with the contents of certain subjects, especially the Economics module.
Some divine intervention is definitely needed here.
Sure, there're people I can go to for help, but I don't really want to keep bothering them. It took me one whole day and 3 OG mates to understand what on earth the principle of marginal benefit/cost was about. And that's only the first lecture, second principle. There're about thirteen weeks to go before this semester finishes. Can you imagine how the rest of the term will go?
I'm still not quite used to having two 2-hour lectures back-to-back. Four hours of sitting down and taking notes and listening attentively does help us to expend a lot of energy, mainly through trying to keep awake. Hahah. It reminds me of those days when I was in JC 1 and trying not to fall asleep during choir rehearsals. (Now that I think about it, rehearsals were good training for sitting still/not talking/staying awake for like, 5 hours at a time. Very useful.)
Biodiversity is my favourite module this term. Today we just had a field trip to Kent Ridge, and well, it was fun. (The not-so-fun part came when the field trip ended and we had a test that counts towards our grades. Gosh, it's only the first week of school! Worse still, the test had an essay component.) I do like walking around looking at nature, even if the weather was insanely hot. The Raffles Museum of Biodiversity Research (aiyah, I can't remember the exact name; it's really very long) is a cool place, literally and figuratively. Some of the exhibits are a bit freaky, but it was interesting. Next time there's an outing, we should go there!
Literature is the other module that I'm slightly worried about, 'cause I'm really out-of-touch with all the Lit. stuff. The last time I had any formal encounter with Lit. was in secondary school, and I got C6 for my combined humanities. Not very promising huh.
The good thing is, the lecturers said that there's no need to have prior knowledge, and that people might even have to unlearn some of the things they picked up in secondary school/JC. So hopefully everything will turn out fine even though I'm not essay-inclined.
At least the texts seem rather exciting. I can't wait to study Shakespeare's The Tempest. We're even going to do a film text, which is all new and fine and dandy.
The other thing I like about this module is that the lecturers all sound like angels. Sitting in the LT, it felt like we were listening to music. It was such a pleasure to hear them talk, hahah.
More than once in a while, we get lecturers who don't speak coherently/don't know how to use the microphone properly/mumble their way through, and then following the lecture gets kind of tough. Listening is already difficult enough without having to deal with these problems. (Yeah, my audio skills are poor. Enough said.)
My only conclusion: it's a time for new challenges.
I won't say that I've been stepping out of my comfort zone, 'cause to do so would be like... joining a sports CCA. I know my limitations, okay. Trying new things has been fun, and the company has been great. (The only bad things are finding out certain things that I never wanted to know, for example, that in secondary school, senior guys actually ogle at cute junior girls. Like, eew much?) To a certain extent, it's better than my JC days, when it felt like I didn't particularly fit in. Or maybe it just stems from being more comfortable in my own skin.
Whatever it is, I'm happy.
And I'll be happier if all my tutorial/laboratory slots go through and I have Wednesdays free!
I know I just said that I like being responsible for my stuff, but at the same time I kind of miss how everything is readied for us like in secondary school or JC. There weren't so many decisions to make then. You choose your subjects, and the timetabling committee takes care of the rest. No hard choices like which module to choose, how many points to use to bid for it, which lecture/tutorial session to go for, the list goes on.
My classes have been okay so far, I guess. Early mornings (i.e. lecture at 0800h) aren't much of a problem, though I admit I dozed off for a minute during Organic Chemistry. (Sidetrack: many thanks to Weekeat who woke me up, hahah.) I have more of a problem with the contents of certain subjects, especially the Economics module.
Some divine intervention is definitely needed here.
Sure, there're people I can go to for help, but I don't really want to keep bothering them. It took me one whole day and 3 OG mates to understand what on earth the principle of marginal benefit/cost was about. And that's only the first lecture, second principle. There're about thirteen weeks to go before this semester finishes. Can you imagine how the rest of the term will go?
I'm still not quite used to having two 2-hour lectures back-to-back. Four hours of sitting down and taking notes and listening attentively does help us to expend a lot of energy, mainly through trying to keep awake. Hahah. It reminds me of those days when I was in JC 1 and trying not to fall asleep during choir rehearsals. (Now that I think about it, rehearsals were good training for sitting still/not talking/staying awake for like, 5 hours at a time. Very useful.)
Biodiversity is my favourite module this term. Today we just had a field trip to Kent Ridge, and well, it was fun. (The not-so-fun part came when the field trip ended and we had a test that counts towards our grades. Gosh, it's only the first week of school! Worse still, the test had an essay component.) I do like walking around looking at nature, even if the weather was insanely hot. The Raffles Museum of Biodiversity Research (aiyah, I can't remember the exact name; it's really very long) is a cool place, literally and figuratively. Some of the exhibits are a bit freaky, but it was interesting. Next time there's an outing, we should go there!
Literature is the other module that I'm slightly worried about, 'cause I'm really out-of-touch with all the Lit. stuff. The last time I had any formal encounter with Lit. was in secondary school, and I got C6 for my combined humanities. Not very promising huh.
The good thing is, the lecturers said that there's no need to have prior knowledge, and that people might even have to unlearn some of the things they picked up in secondary school/JC. So hopefully everything will turn out fine even though I'm not essay-inclined.
At least the texts seem rather exciting. I can't wait to study Shakespeare's The Tempest. We're even going to do a film text, which is all new and fine and dandy.
The other thing I like about this module is that the lecturers all sound like angels. Sitting in the LT, it felt like we were listening to music. It was such a pleasure to hear them talk, hahah.
More than once in a while, we get lecturers who don't speak coherently/don't know how to use the microphone properly/mumble their way through, and then following the lecture gets kind of tough. Listening is already difficult enough without having to deal with these problems. (Yeah, my audio skills are poor. Enough said.)
My only conclusion: it's a time for new challenges.
I won't say that I've been stepping out of my comfort zone, 'cause to do so would be like... joining a sports CCA. I know my limitations, okay. Trying new things has been fun, and the company has been great. (The only bad things are finding out certain things that I never wanted to know, for example, that in secondary school, senior guys actually ogle at cute junior girls. Like, eew much?) To a certain extent, it's better than my JC days, when it felt like I didn't particularly fit in. Or maybe it just stems from being more comfortable in my own skin.
Whatever it is, I'm happy.
And I'll be happier if all my tutorial/laboratory slots go through and I have Wednesdays free!
10 August 2008

Alrighty, I'm back from camp. SOW 2008 was one blast of an experience, and I sure don't regret going. Johnny English (i.e. the OG I was in) has a lot of quirky people; just look at all those photos on Facebook.
Good times and good memories are too hard to put into words, so I won't even attempt to do so.
The use-three-adjectives-to-describe-XXX game can be pretty interesting. Good fodder for conversations on the way home.
Occasionally it does freak me out how easily others read me. Or maybe it's just that others are good at analyzing people and I suck at it.
Running around all week with an average of three hours of sleep per night does tend to make people a little nutty. All the um, unusual tendencies start emerging. Scary. (Half the guys in my OG can testify to that. Heh.)
Sometimes I fear that I don't know who exactly I am any more, 'cause of all the vastly different backgrounds I've been in. (Yes, people still find it weird that an RV girl chose to go to AC.)
It's like I have different personae for dealing with different groups of people, and I don't know if that's a good thing. (Multiple personality disorder huh.) Somehow first impressions do count a lot, and people's expectations just don't allow you to be any other way besides the way they first saw you.
"People are layered, like onions. Friends peel off layers for each other, letting you in deeper and deeper - even if tears are part of the deal."
So. Who's a real friend, and who isn't?
Good times and good memories are too hard to put into words, so I won't even attempt to do so.
The use-three-adjectives-to-describe-XXX game can be pretty interesting. Good fodder for conversations on the way home.
Occasionally it does freak me out how easily others read me. Or maybe it's just that others are good at analyzing people and I suck at it.
Running around all week with an average of three hours of sleep per night does tend to make people a little nutty. All the um, unusual tendencies start emerging. Scary. (Half the guys in my OG can testify to that. Heh.)
Sometimes I fear that I don't know who exactly I am any more, 'cause of all the vastly different backgrounds I've been in. (Yes, people still find it weird that an RV girl chose to go to AC.)
It's like I have different personae for dealing with different groups of people, and I don't know if that's a good thing. (Multiple personality disorder huh.) Somehow first impressions do count a lot, and people's expectations just don't allow you to be any other way besides the way they first saw you.
"People are layered, like onions. Friends peel off layers for each other, letting you in deeper and deeper - even if tears are part of the deal."
So. Who's a real friend, and who isn't?
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