26 October 2009


You Are a Carnival Mask

You are flirtatious, charming, and seductive. You are both mysterious and alluring.

You know how to dance the steps, no matter what the dance is. You always know what the next move should be.

You are good at drawing people in but not letting them get too close. You know how to be wanted.

You prefer to be understated than over the top. You never want to be seen as trying too hard.

All those adjectives above? They fall under the categories of "subtle" and "manipulative". Hurhurhur.

You Should Dress Up As a Cat

You are a shy, reserved person who takes a long time to warm up to others. You are close to those you've known the longest.

You are crafty and smart. You may seem like you're lost in your own little world, but you're really paying attention to everything going on around you.

You are not easily influenced by the other people in your life. If anything, you counterbalance their emotions well.

You are intuitive and have a lot of wisdom to impart. Most people don't pay close enough attention to the lessons you teach them.

Now this one is pretty true. "Crafty and smart" equals manipulative!

And yeah, most people don't pay attention when I tell them stuff, e.g. "Prepare less food 'cause people won't eat that much". And then we wind up with excess food.

(But Mr. S@vvy will say that I don't pay close attention to the lessons he teaches too. But that only goes to show that I'm "not easily influenced by the other people in (my) life". Heh.)

You Are Blue

You believe the key to living a good life is simple. Be as honest with yourself and others as possible.

You value the truth over everything else. You will remain loyal to those who are honest with you, even if their honesty hurts.

Compared to most people, you handle the truth well. You take every event in stride. You are the calm spot in a sea of chaos.

You think the solution to most problems is open communication. You wish that people would be more real with each other.


You Are a Boxer

You are playful and energetic. You bring joy to everyone who crosses your path.

You are hyper to the point of being a comedian. Everyone is wondering what you will do next.

You energy can get the better of you if you're not careful. You can have a destructive streak when you're bored.

You're very strong willed and powerful. You get you way without even trying to.

Only the part about being strong-willed and powerful is true. Hahahahah. The art of intimidation.

25 October 2009


Everyone else may try to talk you out of being emo, but true friends emo with you and go to the ends of the world for you.

Here's proof:

jinghui:; shouldstopemoingandjustgetonwithwork. says:
hahahah okay.
do now!

M.r. S@vvy dun like jeanny says:
u too u too
emo tell me lei
i emo with u

jinghui:; feels like flinging herself down a long, long flight of stairs. says:

_`pearl ????Ber&??♥ [ZIAL&WENMEL] says:
don't fling yet lah D:
wait for me. we fling together

So I say, excluding family, friends are the best things that exists in the world.
And true friends are those who share crappy bits of their lives with you BECAUSE they love you.

24 October 2009


This is turning into a ranting blog, which ain't a good thing.

I suppose I should save the happy stuff for the end so that this will end on a good note. Hahah.

The ES2007S project is tedious. Though I must admit that I've had fun working with Stanley. He always helps me get extra butter and maple syrup when we have breakfast at Macs hahahah. Damn fattening.

And I'm very amused by the whole nickname thing. Think that's why Jingle Bells is stuck in my head now.

The CSC birthday party was quite fun, considering I had a really long day and was tempted to skip it. I sometimes feel out of place (also partly why I thought of not going), but everytime I take part in CSC stuff, I find that the people there are very open. A good thing, I suppose.

(This whole entry sounds disjointed 'cause I feel like talking. So I'm rambling on about random stuff which people probably don't want to hear. Which is why I'm sort of talking to myself here hahahahah.)

Singing a part alone is honestly quite stressful, especially when most of the other parts has more than one person singing it. Now I know how the tenors feel hahah. (But I like the stress 'cause it makes me work harder. Challenges are always good for one's growth. Heh. That said, I was still very glad when Drea came back.)

Everyone's been sounding weird lately. It disturbs me to hear my friends not talking like themselves (especially when they're extra nice). Where did all the sarcasm go? Could be due to stress, I suppose. Maybe if people slept more, they'd be back to normal.

Fadz, Wes, Larry, JC, and I went to the Night Safari! It was fun, and the weather was good. And it was quite amusing to hear ourselves discussing life-sciencey stuff while looking at the animals.

Our W_T project seems rather successful. The guys are more enthusiastic about it than Fadz and I are hurhurhur.

Pearl! Let's S/N together someday! I'm glad you finally started watching hahahah. It's nice right!

Over the past few weeks, I found out quite a lot of new stuff about people, or what people think.

How much should one compromise to please others? Things always get complicated when more than one person is involved, and well, you can't really make everyone accept you, or your way of doing things, right?

So if one feels that he/she is right, but others disagree, then what? Different people have different sets of principles; what one thinks is important might be just a trivial issue to another. Find a middle ground, perhaps?

(But I don't feel like budging from my position, 'cause damn, I think I'm right. Hahahah.)

I don't know what I'm talking about. If you're reading this, make what you like of it. Better still, pretend you never read it.

Alright I'm just in a weird mood now. (Omg my brother just taught me how to fold a heart using straws. Disbelief! Hurhur.)

I have to say this though.

A lot of stuff happened this year, and regardless of whether they were good or bad, there's a group of awesome people who've been there through it all. Thank god for them; I don't think I'd have survived otherwise.

Told you I was in a weird mood.

20 October 2009


1. Strange things are going on around me. And by "strange things", I mean both people's actions and reactions.
2. I am screwing up my studies.
3. I am way behind on my admin work.
4. Yahoogroups refuse to load.

What is my life coming to?

Fine, I'm being unreasonable again. So sue me. Gee.

15 October 2009


I think it's the first time I want something badly enough to actually feel afraid of losing it.

Whatever happened to fearlessness?

12 October 2009


What an emo day. Hahahah. I think I need to find new friends!
Alternatively, I can try to fall so deeply in love with Nolan/Mobi/Inbi/Mars that I don't need friends. Hurhur.

Okay. I think I just need to get a grip and deal with it. And stop being irrational and unreasonable.

09 October 2009


E-learning week was fun. Except for the very traumatic tests, webcasts with white noise louder than the lecturer's voice, and many many meetings (projects, CCAs, or otherwise).

I had so many nice meals with nice people. Hahahah. So that made me extremely happy indeed.

On Monday, I had lunch with Mark and Yihui after the English tutorial. A little bit weird, 'cause they used to be my seniors and now I'm (technically) their "senior", but it was fun 'cause I got to catch up with Yihui whom I haven't seen in ages. And we got to talk about choir and AC stuff, so yeah, that was fun.

Lunch with Fadz on Tuesday made having two term tests (including a horrifying Molecular Biology one) on that day bearable. Despite not having studied properly for it and basically flunking it... alright that's beside the point. Befriending that day also went smoothly, thanks to people I shouldn't name here in case other people read it. Yay.

I spent some time with Mom on Wednesday; had fun showing her around Science hahahah. (She thought the Medicine blocks looked kinda old compared to the Science blocks. I wonder how she tells the difference 'cause they all look the same to me.)

Breakfasted with Stanley on Thursday during the ES2007S online consultation. So when our tutor asked us to entertain ourselves, we did this over MSN though we were sitting opposite each other:

Stanley: Hey where are you now Jinghui?
Me: I'm at engin Macs. Where're you?
Stanley: Oh I'm at engin Macs too.
Me: I don't see you!
Tutor: Sorry, I'm at home. :P
Stanley: Oh really. Well, C--------, you're welcome to come to engin Macs too and pretend we don't see each other so that we can have a proper MSN consultation. I'll buy you a cup of tea.

And we were laughing as we typed that exchange. Very lame self-entertainment huh.

Macs breakfast was nice though! I don't think we exactly bitched much, but it felt good to sit down and have breakfast with a good friend.

Then Pearl, Germ, and I met up for dinner at Pizza Hut. I thought that was quite a good catch-up session, except for one scary part when we ended up talking about citation methods. Hurhur.

The most amazing thing about the whole day was that I pulled an all-nighter the night before and I was kinda awake till slightly after 0200h. Granted, I napped here and there (like on the bus), but still. Hahahahah.

So I guess they should rename e-learning week "Recess Week part 2". It was actually less stressful than recess week 'cause most of the midterms were over. Goodness.

04 October 2009


You Are a Losing Lottery Ticket!

Full of hope and promise.

But in the end, a cheap letdown.


I know there're quite a few phantom readers who read this blog but don't give comments.
And I can't decide whether it's a good thing that people actually read this, 'cause then I might have to censor even more of my words.

Anyway, the long and short of it is, I really think I have a penchant for screwing up my own life.
It's like I'm on an out-of-control train (and yes, I'm driving it) careening on the tracks to I-don't-know-where.

I swear sometimes I make decisions just for kicks. Oh my. What exactly am I doing with my life?!

Enough angsting.

I'm still a bit in disbelief how much more I like linguistics compared to my core modules. Willingly mugging for my EL test and not feeling like it's a chore tells a lot huh.

Now I can't ask questions starting with "did you" without thinking about palatalization. Oh, how deeply Nolan has affected me. Hurhurhur.


I think the flu bug is making me do things I'd normally think twice about. It's like, not feeling well equates to feeling tired equates to not thinking much equates to actually having the guts to do certain things. Hmmm.

I'm not sure this is a good thing.