30 August 2010


D&D 2010 was an interesting experience, but then I have no basis for comparison, since I didn't attend previous years'. I realized today why people still have pageants and beauty contests in spite of the inanity of it all. Looking at pretty stuff (or people, in this case) really does make us feel happier.

I think the winners were kind of expected; they seemed like the hot favourites. The post-D&D felt a bit strange though. Hahah I think I'll just upload photos and let them speak for themselves.

11 August 2010


I kind of feel bad that this has turned into a ranting blog. Oh well, happier things shall be mentioned later on. Promise.

Everything feels a bit off in the PC of life right now - the hard disk is fine but the software has problems. Some are merely kinks, others feel like unwanted virus software that create irritating pop-ups when you least want them to. And some programming mistakes are so humongous sometimes I feel like deleting software and reinstalling.

Actually it's 0228h and I have no idea what I'm saying.

SOW 2010 was a blast - the committee was much much loves, and seeing them around in school never fails to make me smile. Hahah I know seniors and freshies contributed much to the camp too, but the committee was what made the camp memorable for me. (I won't go into details of the admin issues - the reason why I have lesser love for the seniors/freshies.)

School's exciting too, after the long holiday. Not too excited about having 4 labs, but I think I'll survive. Floating around in school alone will take some getting used to, since I've had company 24/7 during SOW.

People change when you lose touch with them. Some change but are still able to carry on from where the friendship left off; others change so much they seem like different people altogether. But I'm not in a position to judge these changes.

Some people assume that others must care about the things/people that matter to them. Is it so wrong that I don't care? Clique or not, your friend might just be my acquaintance, and when I look at the big picture, they don't even register on my radar. (Vice versa, kiddo.)

This is the semester when interpersonal relationships take a backseat. I don't know and I don't care anymore, so get off my back and stop criticising my choices!

Whoa there're quite a lot of people I'm hoping to avoid.

Sorry about the babbling. Need a real-smile-inducer sometime soon.

Oh right. I was supposed to talk about happy things.

Hahah of course there's a ton of things to be thankful for. List time, off the top of my head.
1. Friends who were concerned because I've been missing choir events.
2. CSC HANDOVER omg I'm so glad.
3. Nice affinity group for EL3204.
4. Memories and love and big dreams (though all talk, no action) with SOW '10 committee.
5. Good friends back from NOC/work/holidays/rotting around somewhere.
6. Having hot showers, warm food, and a nice bed. (This is the best thing after a long camp.)
7. NEW NOTEBOOKS for school.
8. Promise of Macs breakfast plus bitching session with Sav, and possibly having nice lunch company.
9. I'm fulfilling last year's resolution - cutting back of CCAs.
10. Support system, regardless of who/what/when/where/how.

Some items are intentionally vaguely phrased.