22 January 2009


I am going to turn into a season 1 finale Peter Petrelli if I don't get this out of my system.
Actually, even if I get this out of my system, I can't promise that I won't become a s1fPP.

Some systems are really dumb. Some people do things in really dumb ways. Some people think up really dumb ideas.

Some dumb things I really, really, REALLY disagree with. (But cannot do anything about. Which explains why I'm ranting.)

The crux of the problem is, there's a communication problem. Stuff never gets finalized. Settled details always change by the next meeting. Stuff are only started way close to the deadline.

I can't say that I can do a better job, but when it... okay I probably shouldn't say more.

Maybe I should do something about this situation.

1 comment:

pearlx said...

If you're Pete, I'll definitely help you. Love Pete too much to have him implode or explode or anything. ^^