01 February 2009


I hate waking up from a nightmare. I especially hate the crappy feeling I get when I'm halfway between dreaming and waking up because of the whole I'm-awake-but-freaked-out-by-the-freaky-things-in-the-nightmare thing.

And I've been having many ridiculous nightmares. Some scary, some weird, some exam-related, some school-related, all freaking-out-related. Think a pattern is emerging.

That said, I'm really happy that rehearsals are starting again. About one month of not singing/seeing the same people every week and I've forgotten how much of a joy it is to spend time with these people doing something we all love.

Busy busy busy once more!

1 comment:

pearlx said...

and perhaps keeping busy will chase away the nightmares too. ^^

well... bringing back an old phrase, SWEET DREAMS WITH JEN :D