25 October 2009


Everyone else may try to talk you out of being emo, but true friends emo with you and go to the ends of the world for you.

Here's proof:

jinghui:; shouldstopemoingandjustgetonwithwork. says:
hahahah okay.
do now!

M.r. S@vvy dun like jeanny says:
u too u too
emo tell me lei
i emo with u

jinghui:; feels like flinging herself down a long, long flight of stairs. says:

_`pearl ????Ber&??♥ [ZIAL&WENMEL] says:
don't fling yet lah D:
wait for me. we fling together

So I say, excluding family, friends are the best things that exists in the world.
And true friends are those who share crappy bits of their lives with you BECAUSE they love you.

1 comment:

pearlx said...

Well, you see, because if we fling together, we can float to Europe together! If not it'll be a long, lonely journey there. D: