25 May 2010


I suppose it's high time I typed something of substance, before my brain rots into nothingness during the term break. Oh, and also before this blog starts growing virtual mould.

Tuition assignments are flooding in - a result of students getting back exam grades, hurhur. It's quite amusing, since I've been having difficulty finding tuition for the past few weeks. At least now I have income. Yay.

The temptation to jam-pack my calendar with stuff (like say, tuition) is very very very high. Part of it is due to boredom. The other part... I don't know, some spite, maybe? I don't like that everyone's life is more happening than mine, hahah. And I don't want to beg people for company, which really sucks. So fill the schedule up, and ta-dah, problem solved.

Except if the schedule is filled up with stuff that requires long-term committment... no burning out in Year 3, I hope.

All these CCA events are tiring me out a wee bit. Right now the choir music is giving me some trouble (maybe because I've missed quite a few rehearsals due to school, dang), and I'm not seeing the full picture for the other CCAs. Kind of just stumbling through everything until I can hand over or until the event ends.

This is bad, isn't it. Oh well, one thing at a time.

Nowadays I'm so bored that I'm doing uncharacteristic stuff. (E.g. missing my busy days, planning outings. GOSH, planning outings?!) Perhaps when I'm sufficiently busy, I'll get back to normal.

1 comment:

pearlx said...

While you're at it (planning outings), plan some (more) for us too. HAHA.